CONSIDER: Definitions for the Partner Potential of Web3


What got us to Web2 will not get us to Web3.

This is your opportunity...

(and our opportunity to take our Web back)

The old model our parents, teachers, and bosses taught is about triangle-like control... If you're not on top then you aren't doing it right. That is what happened with Web2... Our "parent's" model is being demonstrated at Big Tech companies expanding with tech and controlling it all. 

But now there are new technologies that enable new methods and new models of cooperation and co-ownership. If you're not doing this then you're not doing Web3. Web3 is very different. Less triangular - more Circular.

Who is At Least Doing Web 2.5? "Web 2.5" means that you are optimizing existing Digital and Social Media ... while preparing for the more cooperative models of Web 3.0.

Buzzwords to Breakthroughs ... or "Jargon 3.0"

Here is a list of Web2 terms and how they have evolved into Web3 opportunities.

Web2  >  Web3
Advertising > Referrals
App > DApp
Assets > Token
Automation > Smart contracts
Bank > Wallet
Collaborate > Corroborate
Community > DAO
Control > Cooperation
Customer > Stakeholder
Data > Immutable Ledger
Data provider > Oracle
Digitalization > Tokenization
Economy > Circular Economy
Guidelines > Governance Tokens 
Identity > Certified 
Internet > World
Loyalty Reward > Ownership
Marketplace > DEX
Money > Movements
Partners > Co-Owners
Password > Private Key
Profile > Preferences 
Production environment > Mainnet
Publishing > Minting
Questionable > Cryptography
Rewards > Airdrop
Sales > Service
Scaling > Sharding
Server fees > Gas
Server > Node
Servers > Blockchain
Server Operators > Miners & Stakers
Silos > Cross-Chain Interoperability
Standards > Interoperability
Supply Chain > Value Chain
Test environment > Testnet
TradFi > DeFi
Trust > Consensus
Unique Media assets > NFT
User names > Public Key

Now let's apply these to real market opportunities...

This is a business model landscape with opportunities for Partner Platform Vendors:

Learn more here about how these marketplaces are ideally positioned for success in the Web3 landscape. 

Why is it different now?

These functions are designed into the new Web3 capabilities of blockchain's secure Distributed Ledger, AI-powered Large Language Models, automated matching with Smart Contracts, and transparent IoT between our hybrid XR Extended Reality lives (yes, these need to be clarified for your options).

As everything gets digitized and tagged (for example, physical "Internet of Things" inventories), each asset can now be tokenized and given programmed functions that accumulate data, analysis, and value. Here is an example of customer engagement (the evolving orange circle) across event and media experiences:

"Decentralization" is about letting go of complete control and ownership so your value can more efficiently and effectively expand to wider peer-to-peer relationships that cannot be reached beyond your current capabilities.

Consider the opportunity BEYOND the fear of giving away control. For example: when you take a smaller cut but now you can build in partnership incentives to expand exponentially.

Web3's decentralization principles mean fewer barriers to forming connections and building new relationships. It's a world where we control our identities, own our content, and easily monetize our assets, fostering a more direct and equitable exchange of value.

The engine is a co-ownership economy.

Web3 is only realized when we move away from the top-down control mindset of the past and embrace a more collaborative and inclusive digital ecosystem where individuals and communities play a central role in shaping your world... our world.

Web3 is:

... An accelerator for creative business development that enables your existing content and workflows to work for you.

... The future of ownership and distribution - available now without unnecessary middlemen.

> Web3 is a new way of using the internet that gives you more control, freedom, and opportunities to create and grow your business. 

Web3 uses technologies like blockchain's smart contracts to enable a network of people and organizations to directly collaborate and exchange value without intermediaries or margin-stealing gatekeepers. 

Web3 allows you to “tokenize” your assets and relationships, meaning that you can tag digital representations and management rules for anything with value to you and your customers.

Web3 delivers unrestricted limitless potential for growth from new connections, backed by programmable functions, that accelerate business flows and make them more liquid / dynamic ... unlocking deals with automated identification and incentive management. 


Prepare to unleash your creative evolution with Web3 methods & models that empower and reward a growing peer-to-peer ecosystem of partnerships between co-creators.

The not-so-secret to business success is to find better ways to deliver value. Now you can easily test and auto-optomize new forms of value exchange.

Yes commerce, but also securing cooperative arrangements, earning access, loyalty points, and the rewards of quantified reciprocal agreements. See a summary of this from our Web3 Session at Startup Week.

Think about seamless match-making ... and let's talk.

Since my team and partners have been deploying and perfecting for Business Developers (not just techies), we can share the latest best practices like those described here in the Truth Refinery - A good place to start is this 10-point list for any go-to-market plan... with an AI twist, of course.

Please contact us to clarify your options, applications, platform solutions, custom product designers, and your best next steps ... combining Artificial Intelligence with Analyzed Intelligence.

We can start by leveraging your best "Web 2.5" projects for Network Effect growth - kind of like the image below...

Bonus Definitions:
  1. Programmability:

  • Tokenize assets with dynamic functions
  • Automate performance from more liquidity
  1. Trustless Decentralization:

  • No central authority needed
  • Verifiable secure transactions
  1. Ownership Transparency:

  • Transparent asset (Token) tracking
  • Secure and private yet expansive records
  1. Immutable Distribution:

  • Tamper-proof data records
  • Creators maintain recognition
  1. Secure Permissionless Authorization:

  • Open access rights for all that apply
  • Peer-to-Peer exchanges
  1. Interoperability:

  • Performance from cross-platform efficiency
  • Network-Effect collaboration scales impact

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