Words of Web3 Wisdom and Super Heroes

Words of Web3 Wisdom

Here is a list of Web2 terms and how they have evolved into Web3 opportunities:

Web2  >  Web3
Advertising > Referrals
Agreement > Smart contracts
Analytics > Partner Insights
Apps > DApps
Asset > Token
Automation > Programmable Assets
Bank > Wallet
Branding > AI Agent Matching
Centralized Control > Decentralized Cooperation
Collaborate > Corroborate
Community > DAO
Company > Crowdsource
Control > Cooperation
Customer > Stakeholder
Data > Immutable Ledger
Data provider > Oracle
Digitalization > Tokenization
Economy > Circular Economy
Ecosystem > Interoperability
Guidelines > Governance Tokens 
Human Limits > AI Velocity
Identity > Certified 
Incentives > Digital Passports
Industry > Decentralized Autonomous Collaboration Network (dACN)
Internet > Reality
Loyalty  > Co-Ownership
Marketplace > Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)
Money > Transaction
Partners > Co-Creators
Password > Private Key
Privacy > Own/Sell Your Data
Profile > Preferences 
Production environment > Mainnet
Proprietary > Open APIs/Standards
Publishing > Minting
Questionable > Transparent
Rewards > Airdrop
Risk > Less Risk
Sales > Service
Scaling > Sharding
Server fees > Gas
Server > Node
Servers > Blockchain
Server Operators > Miners & Stakers
Silos > Cross-Chain Interoperability
Standards > Interoperability
Supply Chain > Value Chain
Sustainability > Accountability
Test environment > Testnet
Finance > DeFi
Trust > Consensus
Unicorn > Wrangled Reality
Unique Media assets > NFT
User names > Public Key
Validate > Zero Knowledge Proof

A simple shape-shift defines humanity's potential for collective progress

"Your unique opportunities will reveal themselves when you consider evolving from the Control triangle to the Cooperative circle."

Our parents, teachers, and bosses taught us how to be successful by making sure we were in control of business models at the top of the triangle.
With new Web3 technologies, we now have functions that allow success to be more inclusive and collaborative across an expansive, healthier ecosystem with win-win, equitable partnerships of co-ownership… More cooperative… More Circular.

With this metaphor, new tech terminology should make more sense for disruptive opportunities of ownership and distribution, 

Here are some definitions to put the superpower fun in the function:

  1. Smart Contracts: The Equitable Enforcer

    • Superpower: Smart contracts are like digital superheroes. They execute automatically when specific conditions are met. Imagine a contract that springs to life when you buy a house, ensuring a fair exchange without middlemen.
    • Functionality: Buy, sell, co-own, and more – all encoded in lines of code. These contracts redefine ownership models. They’re the Robin Hood of transactions, ensuring fairness for all.
  2. Provenance: The Transparent Trailblazer

    • Superpower: Provenance is the Sherlock Holmes of the digital world. It traces every step, revealing the origin and journey of assets. Imagine a gem with a built-in GPS that shows its entire history.
    • Functionality: With provenance, you can verify authenticity, track supply chains, and ensure ethical practices. It’s like a truth serum for products, empowering conscious consumers.
  3. Tokenization: The Fractional Magician

    • Superpower: Tokenization turns assets into magical tokens. Imagine owning a piece of the Mona Lisa or a skyscraper – all through digital tokens. It’s like slicing a cake into shareable pieces.
    • Functionality: These tokens enable fractional ownership. You can buy a fraction of a rare painting or invest in a building – all without hefty price tags. It’s democratizing ownership.
  4. Interoperability: The Multiverse Connector

    • Superpower: Interoperability bridges parallel universes. Imagine different platforms collaborating seamlessly, like superheroes teaming up. It’s like Spider-Man swinging into the Avengers’ world.
    • Functionality: Web3 platforms, blockchain networks – they all speak the same language. Interoperability ensures a unified digital landscape. It’s the Avengers assembling for a common cause.
  5. Decentralization: The Inclusive Dynamo

    • Superpower: Decentralization breaks chains. Imagine a network where power isn’t concentrated – it’s shared, where everyone has a voice.
    • Functionality: In this cooperative ecosystem, decisions are made collectively. It’s the Justice League of ownership models, empowering individuals and communities.
  6. Zero-Knowledge Proof Matchmaking: The Privacy Guardian

    • Superpower: Zero-knowledge proof is the cloak of invisibility. Imagine sharing only what’s necessary – like revealing your superhero identity selectively. It’s like Batman without the mask.
    • Functionality: Privacy and security are paramount. With zero-knowledge proofs, you can transact without exposing personal details. It’s the ultimate trust-building tool in a digital world.

These concepts aren’t just buzzwords; they’re the building blocks of a new era to take back control of OUR Web from "Big Tech" (Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) and recreate a more inclusive, transparent, and empowered Internet.

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FYI - Why Getting Circular is Important...

Circular is a reimagined and redesigned blockchain stack that can manage multiple blockchains. Organizations can subscribe and have a dedicated blockchain without sacrificing decentralization and high computational cost in the hashing to keep security at the top. Circular is completely sustainable and uses a consensus algorithm. Non-competitive mining supports the industry, rather than sacrificing it like other blockchains using proof of stake. They are focusing on FinTech, GameTech, and HealthTech.

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