Your Web3 Strategy = The Co-Ownership Economy

Your Web3 Strategy = 
The Co-Ownership Economy 

Inspire, retain, and grow your community through web3 enabled revenue sharing to co-produce businesses with your fans, customers, and partners. 

Here are the 4 elements that will be topics in one of our next video presentation sessions with the Boston Blockchain Association:

1. “Web3” is an alignment of promises and processes for everyone to own their own ID, content, and monetization. See an overview.

2. Decentralization replaces the middle-man for direct buyer/seller economies – no need for red tape approvals or lawyers

3. NFTs unleash only your chosen assets with defined (programmable) parameters for requirements, incentive rewards and new revenue-sharing opportunities

4. Deals are automatically tokenized with open identification, onboarding, and management 

RESULTS: Exponential growth from previously inefficient and unattainable markets

Empower fans to fund THEIR dreams.

Do you want that?

No, really... Can your company's business models accommodate or pivot to these sharing, open, equitable relationships?

If so...

You have choices. 

Such as your own NFT enabled community management platform, like the one at

Let's discuss the Co-Ownership Economy and how . . . 

Think about how to reimagine the connections across the ecosystem(s) of your industry...



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