
Web3 is not a number.

Web3 is a vision (with tactics) for how we can better engage with others. 

... and leverage the accelerating "Velocity of Trust." 

New capabilities from new technologies have inspired new mindsets and enabled new methods.

Here in the Truth Refinery you can see examples of how these are now available for non-techs to test and optimize.

With Web3 technologies like Artificial Intelligence, ChatBots (ChatGPT, etc), and Blockchain's Distributed Ledger, we can now design businesses and new economies where the individual has more control over their own data, content, and business models. 

The (better) key... Community participation is motivated by co-earned experiences where compensation is more equitable.

Per the metaphor, "the chain is only as strong as its weakest link," we all need to share, learn, test, and iterate together - across departments and business ecosystems. ONLY together can we combine and align multiple elements into unified solutions for re-building more open and fair business models. 
“Web 3 is an internet owned by users and builders, orchestrated with tokens” — Chris Dixon.
Decentralization is the (now) attainable utopian goal... deployable toolset platforms are being perfected to enable people to manage their own data, identity, and monetization ... where the community governs itself. No owners with selfish intentions. No middlemen toll takers. 

Here is the secret opportunity for "middlemen" (lawyers, accountants, brokers, connectors, marketing and sales) >>> this is your chance to help your relationships with more effective and efficient business AROUND YOU. You will need to develop different Web3-enabled business models ... so you can expand your value of network effects. Contact David to discuss your options and opportunities.

For Creators and Business Developers

One of the new catalysts to Web3 is Blockchain with capabilities that are most relevant where Velocity of Trust is valuable (hence, Financial and Insurance deployments)

Getting "On Chain" delivers value from efficiency and interoperability - For:
  • Your business processes
  • Any asset to share, sell, buy, co-earn!
  • Managing steps that unlock access
  • Customer Experiences
The latest is here 
on the Truth Refinery 

At the core of The Refinery is Blockchain's Distributed Ledger technology - defined as, "a globally shared and secure spreadsheet or ledger"... Bitcoin is one iteration... but there is so much more. More that "investment NFTs... More than Decentralized Finance (DeFI)...More than Customer Loyalty... much more!

Industries now have a more effective and decentralized method of foundational architecture across enterprises and ecosystems, supply chains, partner integration, AI, machine learning, bot interfaces, etc.

BIG QUESTION: What skills does every professional need around them? Linkedin has the best data on their most recent list... and "Blockchain" is #1...!

NuArca is a Truth Refinery Partner.

Let's look at how they combine and align to be an innovation engine...

They provide a Venture Studio with the People, Platform, and Processes to enable trusted connections and transactions on a trustless global internet.  
NuArca delivers Velocity of Trust to Joint Venture partners that want to more efficiently and effectively disrupt their markets. 

The "New Arcs" of NuArca are between your immediate improvements, business transformation, and unified industry-wide Network Effects.

Nuarca has two integrated processes:

Nuarca ODE - Ownership Distribution Engine:
- Preparing your data, onboarding, tagging, and storing
- Deployed on Distributed Ledger Technology Blockchains with smart contract rules

Nuarca CMX - Content Management Exchange:
- Ownership of content as it evolves
- Management of distribution and relationships. Often a commerce marketplace.

Here are images to help us discuss NuArca's Venture Studio:

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Would you like to start a discussion about your goals and questions? The Truth Refinery most likely has adjacent insights to share.

Click here to send David an email 
Or call 617-331-7852

Remember, your best relationships build trust from truth

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